This Master’s Degree Course will prepare specialists in Geophysics and Geology playing roles of responsibility in different fields of private and public administrations, such as consulting, academic, government and local State administration.
The Course will furnish major skills in the field of seismic risk mitigation allowing the future graduate to work in synergy with Civil Engineers, Land planners, Civil Protection Officers.
Based on the existing cooperation and mobility with other Universities of nearby countries, major attention will be paid to seismic risk of the Mediterranean region.
This advanced course in Geophysics awards a M. Sc. Degree on 120 ECTS (Europen Credit Transfer System) and it is fully taught in English. The course runs for 2 years and in the end the students will debate a dissertation on advanced topics in geophysics and geology.
Laboratory and field activities will play a basic role in the formation. The Master’s Degree Course will furnish different opportunities, such as:
Laboratori - Area Ricerca